Second candidates forum held in Sycamore Thursday night


Helping citizens cope with the wavering economy was the main topic at the second Meet the Candidates Night Thursday.

The DeKalb County Farm Bureau hosted a public forum for candidates running for local office. The first forum was held Tuesday.

Republican Congressional candidate Jim Oberweis, running against Democratic Congressman Bill Foster, said the economy is clearly the main issue facing Illinois citizens.

“We are in probably the most severe recession of our lifetime,” Oberweis said. “Congress needs to address this, and it must be dealt carefully.”

Sen. Brad Burzynski of the 35th District blamed Illinois’ economic state on bills that drove Illinois businesses to other states.

“We need to bring jobs to Illinois and create an environment friendly to business,” Burzynski said.

Not raising taxes was also a topic candidates spoke of.

Republican Calvin Clay Campbell, running for State’s Attorney of DeKalb County, said officials have a responsibility to citizens to find solutions to problems without increasing taxes.

“The government serves the people; the people do not serve the government,” Campbell said.

Campbell said he wants to cut the budget while DeKalb County State’s Attorney Ron Matekaitis insisted the office needs the money in order to serve the public.

“We can cut the budget, but what impacts will that have on service?” Matekaitis asked. “What are the impacts on public safety?”

Three candidates are fresh faces, running against long-time incumbent candidates.

Running for State Senate of the 35th District is Democrat Ryan Gailey, former NIU law student, against current Republican Sen. Brad Burzynski. Burzynski has held office since 1993.

Democrats and Republicans may be fighting around the country, but Gailey noted the balance in DeKalb County.

“We strike a nice balance out here in terms of the community,” Gailey said.

The only one running for County Coroner is incumbent candidate Dennis Miller.

Eight of the nine candidates were present. Congressman Bill Foster of the 14th District was running late and missed the forum.