Ralph Nader


Name: Ralph Nader

Party: Independent

Education: A.B. degree in East Asian Studies from the Woodrow Wilson School of International Affairs Princeton University and L.L.B. from Harvard Law School

Political experience: Currently is in his third major presidential campaign


Civil rights: Equal rights for gays, lesbians and same-sex couples

Economy: Cut military budget, reappraise taxes to tax extreme luxuries more and basic necessities least and redirect federal budget to adequately fund infrastructure, transit and other public works

Education: Responsibility of state and local governments and opposes emphasis on standardized tests

Health care: Single-payer health care plan, government finances health care, allow health care delivery to private, non-profit organizations and public health insurance system

War in Iraq: Reverse current Middle East policy with a target of withdrawing troops in six months

Source: www.votenader.org