Sex Drive, although funny at times, lacks originality


With a new teen comedy based on sexuality coming out seemingly every month, it is hard to believe that there are any ideas left that haven’t already been used in previous films.

However, since there seems to be no end in sight for the production of these films, we might as well look at the formula that it takes to make a basic teen comedy and how the newest offering, “Sex Drive,” measures up.

One nerdy virgin

The protagonist in every teen-based comedy is a nerdy guy who just can’t “find the right woman” and lose his virginity. He and a band of friends make it a quest, and the entire plot of the movie is to get this nerd to “become a man.” We’ve all seen this before, and yet it still proves to be a winning ingredient. Josh Zuckerman, as Ian, doesn’t really stand out much from other lead dorks. He actually is a lot like Jason Biggs from “American Pie,” as he keeps getting himself into awkward situations, and just has a horrible case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The jerk big brother

Another constant theme in these flicks is an obnoxious big brother. This guy is usually a more well-known star, plucked out of his usual role and thrust into a comedy for more laughs. James Marsden was surprisingly great as the hot-headed, egotistical first born. He constantly showers his brother with insults while buffing the fender of his ’69 GTO in his sleeveless camo T-shirt. It’s a great transition for Marsden, as he went from wearing tights and singing showtunes in “Enchanted” to a farting jock, carelessly crashing his dirt bike and calling everyone gay. (Foreshadowing?)

Road trip

There’s always a trip. All the guys get together and go on a bonding adventure to make various conquests, most of them being sexual. “Road Trip,” “Euro Trip” and “Senior Trip” seemed to have been fished from the same idea pool as they too included journeys filled with female nudity, angry or ignorant southerners, and creepy or awkward situations with strangers. “Sex Drive” was no different, just a different destination. Also, for some reason, writers included the best girl friend to the road trip, a character who is always thwarting sexual mischievousness.

Though there are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments littering the otherwise recycled plot, “Sex Drive” might not be worth the drive to the theater. Stick to the old teen classics until this one pops up in Blockbuster; the jokes are funnier the first time you see them.