Favorite moments from ‘Big Brother 10’


It is officially over. “Big Brother 10” is complete.

As of Wednesday night, the doors of the Big Brother house opened, and the winner emerged. After watching every episode religiously of CBS’s “Big Brother 10,” it was hard to say goodbye to the 13 houseguests I have grown to love over the summer.

I am happy to announce, however, that the winner of the show was Dan, my personal favorite. He became my favorite because he was not only cunning, he was likeable.

It was a blast watching Dan torment the crap out of hairdresser Renny, the oldest woman in the house, as he put on her clothes and mocked her. Dan shined again when he ticked off Michelle and Ollie with his ridiculous “replacement nominee roulette” speech. No one ever knew what that guy was going to do next, and that probably had something to do with him walking away with the prize.

When asked what he would do with the $500,000 prize money, the first thing he said was that he was going to buy a ring for his beloved girlfriend.

As the season comes to a close, I am left with some of my favorite memories from the season:

5. The sock puppet show that Brian put on with Memphis, Angie, and Dan right before he was evicted.

They all got together, made sock puppets, and performed dead-on impersionations of the people least liked in the house. It was hilarious and fun to see everyone having a good time together.

4. Keesha’s Laugh

Though this was one of the worst things on the show, it was too priceless when they showed footage of everyone mocking her laugh in the diary room. Jerry had the funniest impersionation, because his voice is so messed up he couldn’t get any audible sounds out, he just ended up hissing… which brings me to number three.

3. Hissy

While most cast members were excited to win HOH to see photos of their families, or read letters from their loved ones, the thing that Jerry was happiest to see was a Beanie Baby snake. He then went on to describe the antagonizingly long story behind the little guy. Almost every houseguest fell asleep listening to the horrible tale trying to win Jerry over. “Oh Hissy…”

2. Renny sleepwalking and eating.

Crazy old Renny was caught sleepwalking by Memphis and Keesha as she was eating an Almond Joy and almost ate a ping pong ball.

1. When Jerry fell into the pool.

This had to be one of the funniest moments of the entire show, even though I felt bad for laughing at a man that probably almost broke his hip.