Roommate Dos and Don’ts


You’ve just moved into your dorm and everything is peaceful and serene … because your roommate isn’t there yet. Maybe you’ve never lived with someone. But don’t worry — keep these simple tips in mind and everything should run smoothly between the two of you.


– Accept each other’s differences. It’ll be a long year if you can’t get over your roommate’s love of Gossip Girl. You don’t necessarily have to be good friends; you just have to be good roommates.

– Be considerate of one another’s things. You wouldn’t want your roommate to use something of yours without telling you; ask before borrowing.

– Be considerate. Keep the music or lights on low if your roommate is sleeping.

– Be mindful of your roommate’s schedule. Try to be quiet if you’re coming home late or if you’re getting up early, to keep from waking your sleeping roommate.

– Share personal preferences up front to avoid future problems. If you go to bed early, and want to keep things down after a certain time, share that with your roommate right away and get to a place where you both agree. Which leads me to…

– …Compromise. If you can’t stand heavy metal music and your roommate loves to blast it, ask if you can take turns playing your music. It’s the fair thing to do.

– Try to stay somewhat neat, with dishes, laundry and yourself. If a funky smell emanates from your half of the closet and you notice it, your roommate surely does as well. Clean it up.

– If you enjoy each other’s company, do make dinner together, have movie/video game nights or get involved on campus together.


– Steal from your roommate. Nobody wants to live with a klepto.

– Talk loudly on your phone. All the time.

– Unexpectedly have a party in your room or apartment and leave your roommate out of the loop. If you’re bringing people back to the room, make sure the roommate’s OK with it.

– Stay silent if something really bothers you. Communication is good.

– Leave all cleaning to one person. You help make it dirty — take turns cleaning up.

– If you really aren’t getting along, don’t be afraid to switch rooms.

Overall, living with someone comes down to being considerate. Keep in mind that it’s not just your room or living space; you’re sharing with others.