Time arts show a different kind of exam


Some classes test students with excruciating tests, where they crunch numbers and answer endless multiple choice questions by filling out bubbles on a Scantron.

For the seniors in the Time Arts program, the testing is a little different. The number crunching and problem solving is replaced by the students’ expressions as they create a visual, audio, or interactive piece of art, and the Scantron sheet or final exam is the movie screen, where they showcase their various pieces to the public.

Mike Salmond and Kurt Shultz are the professors of this one-of-a-kind class, and they helped bring the show together.

“I guide and direct them, but it’s their thing,” said Salmond. “It is a difficult class to teach because they are each doing something completely different and on all different ends of time arts. But it reflects their varied interests and is a great way to push them in the direction of their career.”

Senior Tom Griffin’s piece, entitled “Another Damn Day,” was a video and interactive piece representing his struggle with ADD, chronic depression and social anxiety. Through short clips and video images in black and white that viewers make appear by playing with a Nintendo Wii controller, he depicts a representation of his own reality. The images represent thoughts, memories and feelings from his life.

“Instead of fighting my feelings, I decided to embrace them and use them to motivate my work,” said Griffin.

This was apparent, as he allows viewers to take a very personal glimpse of his emotions to try and spread awareness of mental health related issues.

“The time arts program here is great, because it has allowed me to become very versatile with time arts, having me explore with all the different types of media from video art, to animation, and interactive art,” Aaron Vermedal said. “I am looking forward to moving on to the Graduate School here in the fall.”

As the seniors wrapped up their final days at NIU and prepared for careers, the Senior Show gave them one last time to reflect with their friends, and get ready for the next step, while also leaving a lasting impression on the lucky audience members who were able to attend.