Five minutes with 1000-yard rusher Justin Anderson


NIU running back Justin Anderson’s season last year didn’t end quite the way he had hoped.

While the junior did become NIU’s ninth consecutive 1000-yard rusher, in his season finale against Ball State, he suffered a knee injury.

The running back took time out to talk with the Northern Star about his knee, basketball and how he plans to leave his mark at NIU.

Northern Star: We might as well get the question on everyone’s mind out of the way first: How’s the knee holding up this spring?

Justin Anderson: It feels fine; maybe a little stiff before practice, but that’s normal for everyone.

NS: Is it more of a mental thing at this point?

JA: I think so, and that doesn’t bother me. I’d rather hurt it going full speed than to be tentative on it. So I’m not going to slow down.

NS: What have you missed out on doing since the injury, besides football stuff?

JA: Probably play-fighting with friends and stuff like that. We’re an active group and do things like play basketball, so I’ve had to stay out of that a bit.

NS: So what have you been doing?

JA: Spending a lot of time with friends and keeping my mind off it. And trying not to do something stupid to make it worse.

NS: Bristan Kelley, who played on the NIU basketball team the past two seasons, has been giving football a go this spring. Have you talked to him at all?

JA: Yeah, I call him “NBA.” He’s actually got some nice hands. You can tell he works hard.

NS: Any chance of you switching sports?

JA: I think I would try basketball [Laughs]. I think I could throw some good passes and fit in there.

NS: What kind of numbers would you put up?

JA: Fifteen points and at least 10 assists a game – got to get other people involved.

NS: I think coach Ricardo Patton is on your other line right now.

JA: [laughs] Maybe.

NS: So, tell me a little about coach Kill. What are your first impressions of him?

JA: He’s so unpredictable. He was talking about women the other day.

NS: Women?

JA: He says there’s no such thing as winning when it comes to women. He says he’s never won an argument with his wife. He teaches a lot of life lessons like that.

NS: Last season, you were the ninth consecutive NIU running back to rush for 1,000 yards. What does that mean to you?

JA: You know, a friend asked me the same question the other day and I told him I don’t really pay much attention to it.

NS: Do you hear about it a lot?

JA: Well, there’s pictures of all the other backs in the media room with how many yards they rushed for – people like Garrett Wolfe and Michael Turner. So you know where you stand.

NS: Can you name the other running backs on the list?

JA: (laughs) I don’t think I can, but I don’t need to; I’m only concerned about the first few. I want to be on the top of that list.

NS: Think Garrett Wolfe might have a problem with that?

JA: We talk on the phone a lot and I see his picture up there with 1,928 yards and it makes me want to rush for 2,000 and call him and say, “I’m better than you.”

NS: I bet he’d love that.

JA: He might call me a few names or something. He’d probably say, “Well, I had X touchdowns,” and find some way out of it. It’s all in fun though; he really helps keep me motivated.