Chicago Cubs to remember NIU throughout season


The Chicago Cubs will remember victims of the Feb. 14 shootings throughout the 2008 baseball season.

As the Cubs begin their season, an NIU flag will fly at Wrigley Field to honor those affected by the shootings. The flag will be raised above the grandstands in the outfield for the entire 2008 season.

“With the tragic events that occurred on Feb. 14, we wanted to let all NIU students, faculty, fans and alumni know that they will be in our thoughts and prayers throughout the entire 2008 season,” said Matt Wszolek, the director of sales and promotions for the Cubs.

Fans will have a chance to see the flag unveiled as the Cubs take on the Brewers in their season opener on March 31. After the opening game, the flag will remain above the grandstands throughout the year.

“The flags atop Wrigley Field are very unique and honorable,” Wszolek said. “And we wanted to show this same connection between NIU and the Chicago Cubs.”

The Cubs organization aimed to both support the NIU campus in a time of tragedy, as well as celebrate the strength of its students and staff. The organization has also made a donation to the NIU Memorial Scholarship fund.