Track of the Day: ‘Lola’ by The Kinks


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“Lola” – The Kinks

From the album “Lola vs. the Powerman & the Money-Go-Round, Pt. 1” (1970)

This love song comes just in time for the melting snow and warmer temperatures to bring us into spring. I’ve personally never known anyone named Lola, but the Kinks do a pretty good job telling what might have been in a “club down in old Soho.”

If you’re lucky you can perhaps remember nights when you “drank champagne and danced all night;” perhaps, to spice up the mood there was some “electric candlelight.” And the Kinks would probably agree, if you’re able to find love in this “mixed up, muddled up, shook up world,” you should squeeze tight.

Despite the fact that “girls will be boys and boys will be girls,” just be glad you’re “a man, and so is Lola.”