Top songs from The Simpsons


1. ‘In the Garden of Eden’

(from ‘Bart Sells His Soul’)

Bart circulates sheet music of Iron Butterfly’s 17 minute ’60s love ballad “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” during Sunday mass, changing the title and lyrics so that it reads as a sexually suggestive hymn. When Reverend Lovejoy notices this midway through the song, he memorably remarks, “This sounds like rock and/or roll.”

2. ‘See My Vest’

(from ‘Two Dozen and One Greyhounds’)

When Santa’s Little Helper fathers 25 puppies, they end up in the possession of Mr. Burns, who wants to turn them into a coat. As Bart and Lisa look in from Burns’ window, he sings of all his favorite animal-inspired clothing; “Like my loafers / former gophers / it was that or skin my chauffeurs.” Even Bart can’t resist the catchiness of this tune.

3. ‘The Monorail Song’

(from ‘Marge vs. the Monorail’)

After Mr. Burns has to pay the city $3 million for trying to hide nuclear waste inside a tree, the citizens vote – through song – to spend the money on a monorail, an idea peddled by ultimately untrustworthy traveling salesman Lyle Lanley, voiced spectacularly by Phil Hartman.

4. ‘Dr. Zaius’

(from ‘A Fish Called Selma’)

The immortal Phil Hartman returns again as the voice of washed up actor Troy McClure. Here, McClure plays the lead role in the musical version of “Planet of the Apes,” which features break-dancing monkeys.

5. ‘It Was a Very Good Beer’

(from ‘Duffless’)

Homer has to give up beer for a month, and as he pours his booze down the drain, he reminisces about his first beer. “When I was 17, I drank some very good beer / I drank some very good beer I purchased with a fake ID / my name was Brian McGee / I stayed up listening to Queen / When I was 17.”