Track of the Day: ‘Weapon of Choice’ by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
February 5, 2008
Track of the Day: “Weapon of Choice” – Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Listen up! I understand you’re sick of having this election shoved down your throat. There are all those issues to pay attention to, only like six people to choose from, and all you really want to know about are plans for lowering higher education costs.
But give it that old college try today. Go to your precinct and tell them who you want to represent you.
That’s why I picked “Weapon of Choice” by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – because today is when college students have the power to change something. That is, if they let their voices be heard.
“I won’t waste it / I won’t waste it / I won’t waste my love on a nation,” the chorus says. Don’t let your vote go to waste because you think your nation has already voted for you.