Beer of the Week: Samuel Adams Winter Lager
December 6, 2007
Samuel Adams Winter Lager
Grade: B
The Beer: “Samuel Adams Winter Lager is a dark bock brewed with generous quantities of malted wheat,” according to The Boston beer company.
The Good: With a 5.8 percent alcohol content, the beer is surprisingly sweet and smooth. The medium body and moderate carbonation give the lager a slightly dark-beer taste. The various spices compliment the bock.
The Bad: There is a slightly bitter taste to the beer when it comes right out of the fridge. Fortunately, that bitter taste disappears as the temperature rises after five to 10 minutes. Additionally, it is not allergy season, and there still is not a smell from the beer.
In the end, Samuel Adams Winter Lager doesn’t hold a candle to Samuel Adams Octoberfest, but that is not necessarily denouncing the brew.
The Cost: $6.99 a six-pack.
The Recommendation: Wait a few minutes after you take the beer out of the fridge, or else you might get the wrong impression about the beer. Naturally, I’d recommend the beer to fans of bock beers.
Also, if you typically drink lighter-bodied beers and are in the mood for something with a little more strength to it, Samuel Adams Winter Lager is a good place to start if the season is right.