Healthy ways to stay alert during finals


Students may have to choose between cramming for their tests or sleeping during finals week.

Health educator Steve Lux said when students were asked what is the top health impediment of academic courses, sleep landed in the top three, along with stress and having a cold.

Sleep is vital when study time arrives, Lux said.

“I know that sleep is important and we have research that says people retain more and do better on exams when they are well rested,” Lux said.

Students need to practice proper nutrition and keep an exercise program to prepare the body for the stress that will be placed on it throughout the week, Lux said.

Virginia Cassidy, vice provost for academic planning and development, said staying up all night studying will not help students perform better on tests.

“Research shows that ‘all-nighters’ are not effective means for preparing for exams, and a general lack of sleep also affects exam performance,” she said. “Lack of sleep affects one’s ability to perform well on exams, because it reduces the ability to concentrate and to recall information.”

Cassidy adds that a lack of sleep can cause poor performance on exams.

“It can also affect the ability to comprehend exam questions accurately, which can lead to selecting incorrect answers and/or providing incomplete answers to exam questions,” she said. “Lack of sleep also produces a stress response, and that can lead to the production of stress hormones; these hormones can affect the body’s ability to resist infection that can produce a greater likelihood of becoming ill or making the symptoms of existing health conditions worse.”

High-Performance Finals Checklist

Food and Nutrition

-Increase intake of fresh fruits and vegetables to build up a nutritional reserve.

-Stock up on healthy snacks for study times or breaks.

-Drinks lots of water to keep hydrated and maintain energy.

Sleep and Relaxation

-Maintain as normal a sleeping pattern as possible and strive for seven to eight

hours of sleep each night.

-Consider exercise, yoga, deep breathing, hot showers, progressive muscle relaxation, visual imagery, music, etc,

-If planning to stay awake excessively at night, plan several ways to stay awake and alert such as frequent breaks, going outside for fresh air, or mild exercise,

-Even a short exercise break can reduce stress and tension, enhance alertness and refocus the mind.

Drugs and Medication

-Assess caffeine use. While caffeine can be effective for maintaining alertness, using too much of any drug can reduce effectiveness, even caffeine.

-Alcohol, while it may help relax, can also impair memory and make it harder to stay awake.

Time Management

-Plan a time schedule for each exam or project due. More frequent, shorter study sessions per subject are more effective than fewer but longer ones.

-When unexpected events arise that take time from studying, replace that time from your other free time. Adjust schedule to keep study time a priority.

-Go into exam week with a confident attitude.

source: Health Enhancement