Fred Thompson may not be the new Ronald Reagan


Fred Thompson is not Ronald Reagan.

To political gurus, perhaps this is redundant. For the politically apathetic, otherwise known as the other two-thirds of America, this discrepancy is in desperate need of clarification.

Political analysts are questioning if Thompson is “the next Reagan,” and if similarities between the two could give Ol’ Freddy a viable leg up for the 2008 election.

Let’s see, Reagan was first an actor before turning to politics. Thompson never really made up his mind and teeter-totters between the two.

Perhaps it was Thompson’s role as a district attorney on “Law and Order” that put his name in the public eye and immediately linked him to Reagan.

On the contrary, my fellow Americans, a fondness for acting doesn’t mean you’ll be a good leader. Maybe if he were a director, it would be a different story.

I first heard of Thompson when my politically savvy boyfriend attempted to sway me to political land by saying the ex-senator appeared on an episode of “Sex and the City.”

Eagerly, I fetched my Season 3 DVD set and snuggled up to watch “Politically Erect,” the episode where Carrie dates sexy politico Bill Kelly.

I had to check to see where I missed him, since nowhere was my healthy dose of estrogen interrupted by political-speak. Turns out, the dude played “politician on TV,” in which he appeared for an entire three seconds in passing as the camera panned across Carrie’s TV.

Quality entertainment agrees with me!

Seriously, Republican voters, have you listened to him talk?

America voted Reagan into office with 51 percent of the popular ballots and 489 electoral votes. Why do we think that was, class? Because he had public appeal, charm and a smile to sell toothpaste.

Thompson is an odd composite of the voice of an automatic “South Park” Chef and the demeanor of a very angry Mr. Feeny. That, and the inflectional capability of a smoker with a false voice-box.

How was he an actor? Actors take speech and projection classes. They have to entertain theaters full of people, not to mention sell a story with their body, face and nicely toned limbs.

Comparing him to Reagan is a no-brainer. You can’t even compare him to Arnold Schwarzenegger! Even the Governator has more oomph to his speeches than Ol’ Freddy. The automaton thing works for California’s political leading man.

Acting training can help any public speaker; it lends that X-factor to even the blandest ramblings. But the thought of him getting elected and having his voice delivered to America’s doorstep makes finding a big, cozy rock to cower under for the next four years seem an urgent task.

Reagan looked the part. It’d be like electing George Clooney into office, should he decide to go politico. Electing Thompson would be like electing the talking crosswalk on Annie Glidden Road.

And if you’re still not convinced, we could always base the election off a swimsuit competition.