Top uncredited songs of the year


2007 has been a pretty epic year for music, and it’s not even over yet. There have been numerous releases that would easily be top five albums in other years, but that probably won’t make the end of the year list for 2007. Many musicians strive to make the list and consider it the most rewarding part of their job. Since I take pride in the creation of mixed CDs, I’ve decided to take what I consider the 25 best songs of this year and archive them for you. I am doing this in hopes that, one day, some of these tracks could find their way into your personal playlists.

25. Aesop Rock – Bring Back Pluto

This is just one of the best songs on what might be the greatest straightforward hip-hop albums this year. Aesop’s lyrics glide smoothly through a pulsing bass beat that drives throughout the entire album.

24. Ted Leo and the Pharmacists – Army Bound

Since Ted Leo now has some sort of a rabid fan base, I expect to be torched for only having one song of theirs on my list. However, the track itself rocks. The political lyrics are a great addition to Ted Leo’s sound.

23. Laura Veirs – Don’t Lose Yourself

You know those songs by indie-type female singers that just so happen to be all over Apple commercials (Feist)? Well, Laura Veirs should be their newest saleswoman, especially with the quality of this song.

22. Sunn O))) – Orakulum

The only reason why this song isn’t higher on my list is because many people don’t consider ‘drone metal’ something they would like to listen to on regular basis. But I do and this 18-minute plus song is a great example of what experimental music can be.

21. Kanye West – Flashing Lights

With lyrics about getting flashed by paparazzi all the time, Kanye is diving into a territory that is, quite frankly, boring. But the smooth ‘80s style techno lines and amazing instrumentation saves a song that isn’t one of Kanye’s strongest, but is still good.

20. Sundowner – Steal Your Words

Unlike Kanye’s, this song is carried by its amazing lyrics. Chris, from the Lawrence Arms, and his acoustic guitar slowly move through this well written and composed record. It’s a song that would be perfect to listen to on a walk through campus as the leaves turn.

19. Sleepytime Gorilla Museum – Angle of Repose

This is a song that suffers from being too obtuse and complex for its own good. However, this is truly a jam filled with many different styles of music and, if I had to classify it, I would call it “orchestral experimental metal.” See? Now you’re interested.

18. Minus the Bear – Lotus

MTB is a band that everyone should be into. Their songs transcend typical musical boundaries and keep the listener fixated on the atmosphere they create. This particular song is the epic track at the end of their amazing album, “Planet of Ice.” I would suggest that everyone finds a copy of this song and cranks it up.