On nudists …

“Your newspaper keeps saying how Tom Ryan just posted a picture of Margaret on his door, but he has also posted the picture on other people’s door. He has a picture which he wears around his neck; he had a t-shirt made up of her; he ties pictures of her to balloons in the cafeteria and he’s always making fun of her to other people. I do believe that is harassment, and I’m glad he’s being kicked out of the dorms.

“Yeah, I think that the whole bit with the Neptune Nudist, I don’t know. We’re suppose to be so accepting of others, whether they be another race or whatever, and they are showing a whole different view in discriminating against someone because he happens to be a nudist. He was fully covered in the areas that would be considered indecent. I think it’s just wrong.”

“On the editorial about Margaret Phillips and the picture that was printed with it—it seems to me that if that picture does not bring a complaint filed against the Star and its editors for harassment, then why was Tom Ryan kicked out of the dorms for the same thing. Sounds like a double standard to me.”

On football team …

“The football team has as much chance as going to Las Vegas to play football as Clinton does in getting a second chance in office.”

Miscellaneous …

“Kevin Lyons is one of the most intelligent journalists I’ve ever read.”

“Why is it that the other departments get a refund for the computer lab and the College of Business doesn’t offer one, hmmm?

“I just wanted to let everyone know that it is Islam Awareness Week and also it is Pork Month so don’t those two seem to be a perfect mix. The pork and the Muslims. What a wonderful world it is.

“Items on a door in a room by a resident do not have to have a stamp on them. If that is a policy then how come health service gives five dollars to students to display posters that do not have stamps?

“How come racism against blacks and Hispanics is so widely publicized and reverse racism is never ever publicized?”

On columns …

“Kevin Lyon’s article on Tuesday was excellent. All of this multiculturalism and political correctness and ridiculous sensitivity has got to stop. Northern Illinois University is restoring itself with sensitivity.”

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