Keeping the minors out of liquor stores

By Stephanie Kohl

Under a DeKalb municipal code, people under the age of 21 are not permitted to enter liquor stores. Employees of such establishments are responsible for ensuring underage patrons are kept out.

“At Lundeen’s, we embrace that because it helps us,” said Julie Lundeen, owner of Lundeen’s Discount Liquors, Inc., 1030 Arcadia Drive.

Lundeen said her cashiers go through extensive training on how to spot fake IDs and the policies of the city and the store.

“They don’t have to accept any ID if they don’t feel right about it,” Lundeen said.

One problem stores face is guarding against alcohol purchases for minors.

“We can’t really monitor that,” Lundeen said. “If we know there are minors out there, we ask them to leave.”

Lundeen also said they try to monitor the parking lot to spot cars that may have been parked for a long time, or to see people approaching customers, possibly asking customers to purchase alcohol for them.

If minors try to approach customers, employees can go out, ask them to leave and call the police if necessary, Lundeen said.

At American Liquors, 159 West Lincoln Highway, employees try to keep a look out for any suspicious activity in the parking lot, but monitor more inside the store than outside.

“All we can do is make sure anyone we sell to is of age,” said Louis Schoenburg, owner of American Liquors.

Schoenburg said the store does occasionally have someone come in with a fake ID and they are turned away. If the person causes trouble, the police may be called.