NIU associate prof. named county board member

By Stephanie Kohl

Paul Stoddard, associate professor of geology and environmental geo-sciences, president of the Faculty Senate and executive secretary of the University Council, can add another title behind his name: DeKalb County board member.

On March 21, Stoddard became a board member representing district nine. This district does not include the main NIU campus and the position will not affect Stoddard’s campus commitments.

“I think it’s great when our faculty engage in public service of that sort,” said Ray Alden, executive vice president and provost. “We have, obviously, very talented people who have a variety of skills, both academic and within their discipline, and can bring a different insight into municipal positions.”

The DeKalb County Democrats recommended Stoddard.

“It was a combination of experience, background and interest in the party that caused us to recommend him,” said Eileen Dubin, chair of the DeKalb County Democrats.

Once recommended, the board members voted to appoint Stoddard to the board.

As a board member, Stoddard will be responsible for voting on issues that come up concerning the residents of the county and serve on a couple committees, said Sharon Holmes, DeKalb County clerk.

“Right now, I am just kind of learning my way around,” Stoddard said. “I’m not looking to rock any boats just yet.”

Stoddard will serve on the health and human services committee and be involved with the county forest district, which appeals to his geological interests. As part of the committee, he will work with a small levy to fund the purchase of lands to increase the open space in DeKalb County.

Stoddard is replacing Jeff Whelan, who has moved out of district nine. Board members are required to live in the district they represent.

“It’s a new experience for me and so I am pretty excited by it and hope I don’t make too many mistakes,” Stoddard said.