Liquor commission talks golf course rules

By Stephanie Kohl

DeKALB | The wording of Class H licenses dealing with alcohol sales on golf courses was discussed at Tuesday’s liquor commission meeting.

Cory Warren, deputy liquor commissioner, questioned possibly unclear wording for the Class H license in response to reports she has heard of beer, wine and liquor being sold from carts on golf courses.

While the current license does not prohibit the sale of beer and wine on golf courses, it does not implicitly say it is allowed.

The code allows for consumption on adjacent park district premises only. The liquor commission has always determined the word premises to be the buildings. Golf courses have historically taken that to mean the golf course as well.

While Warren did not propose to make this against the rules, she said she would like the license to accurately reflect how alcohol is served on golf courses.

George Stratton, owner of South Pointe Greens subdivision, approached the commission about creating a license to fit his business needs. Stratton said he wants to include a club house that serves alcohol as part of the golf course in the subdivision. He said he wants a license allowing him to serve golfers, members of the subdivision, subdivision residents’ guests and outside members of the community in the club house.

The council discussed this issue and decided to wait for additional planning material from Stratton before further discussion.

Because the meeting fell on Fat Tuesday and the same day as the John Mayer concert at the Convocation Center, Michael Embrey moved to postpone discussion on the classification of licenses and fees until the next meeting so more business owners could be present.