Super Bowl brings us together

By Nyssa Bulkes and Michael Swiontek

To hear Michael and Nyssa duke it out, visit and check the “News Podcasts” link for the Feb. 5 podcast.

Sports fans and non-fans make up the Northern Star’s editorial board.

Editor in Chief Nyssa Bulkes represents the non-fans in a debate with Michael Swiontek, managing editor and fan representative over this burning question: Why is the biggest moment in Chicago Bears history in the last 20 years relevant?

NYSSA BULKES: You’re wearing a what jersey?

MICHAEL SWIONTEK: Curtis Enis. You may not have heard of this man, but this shows that I’ve been a fan since the last Super Bowl.

NB: That makes no sense to me whatsoever.

MS: I’m telling you! This is an important day. An important day!

NB: For capitalism and consumerism and the grocery stores. Yes, I agree.

MS: For men! For men that can’t connect with each other, men that need each other, men that need …

NB: … Men that need a football game with men smacking into each other for points I don’t understand either to bond, or yelling and being barbarians and – I don’t know!

MS: We can’t connect otherwise. What do you want me to say?

NB: Apparently, you can’t.

MS: Men are going to be crying, crying to their fathers with tears of sadness or joy.

NB: And their fathers are going to be OK with that?

MS: Their fathers will be crying! Their fathers’ fathers are going to be crying. Men are going to get the emotional disposal that they need.

NB: So it’s like a testosterone sob-fest.

MS: Yes! Not only that, but families get together. It’s a cultural phenomenon.

NB: But why can’t families get together without this? Why can’t they, you know, go out to dinner, or make dinner at home and not order pizza but make a healthful meal like … Whatever. What’s going on right now? What are they doing?

MS: Pre-game? Waste of time. They’re talking, but they’re saying nothing meaningful, because if they had something meaningful, they would have used it three hours ago, so … Right now, fans are running to get nachos, they’re heating up their appetizers …

NB: … Their oil-filled, artery-clogging appetizers?

MS: Trans-fat loaded!

NB: Mmm … tasty. I can just smell my heart failing.

MS: Devin Hester is about to take the kick-off and I’m about to explode.

NB: He doesn’t look like he’s about to explode. He looks … focused.

MS: The newsroom is full of people, guys screaming, “LET’S DO IT!”… AHH!

Michael runs out of the room as the Bears score a touchdown at the kick-off. Audible screaming comes from the newsroom.

NB: Somebody help me.

Michael continues screaming and high-fiving fellow Bears fans.

NB: OK, I get that that was a good thing, but I don’t know why! What just happened?

Michael returns to the room.

MS: The Bears just scored on the opening kick-off. This game’s going to be insane. They have a chance.

NB: I guess they do.

MS: Holy crap.