Spiritual statues to tour at Altgeld Saturday

By Stephanie Kohl

DeKALB | The Center for Burma Studies will host a symposium on Burmese spirits Saturday in Altgeld Hall.

The event will highlight Burmese Nats, worshipped spirits within the Burmese culture, and will also present the exhibit “From Heaven to Earth: A Ritual to the 37 Nats,” currently on display in the Altgeld Hall’s North Gallery.

“This is the first exhibit of its kind in the U.S.,” said Catherine Raymond, director of the Center for Burma Studies.

The display features 17 protector spirit statues, as well as watercolors of the spirits and a brief history of their place in culture.

“It’s wonderful to share with students and bring the students to the culture,” Raymond said.

The symposium will be from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Altgeld Hall, Room 315. Featured papers include “Contribution to Iconographic Studies of Images Specific to the Ritual of the 37 Nats,” presented by Raymond, and “Offering Food to the 37 Lords,” presented by Ma Sandar, assistant librarian at Founders Memorial Library.

The event will conclude with a performance dedicated to the 37 Nats at 3 p.m. Three Burmese spirit-mediums will dance and communicate with the spirits in the Altgeld Art Museum. As far as Raymond knows, this is the only time a dance like this has been performed outside of Burma.

The entire event is free and open to all students.

“It’s a unique opportunity for students and it’s a fun show,” said Benjamin Lemon, co-curator of the exhibit and Ph.D. candidate in history who will also present a paper. Lemon spent time setting up the exhibit and compiling history of the Nats to contribute.