Weather to drop 30 degrees by weekend

By Stephanie Kohl

DeKALB | The unusually warm Thanksgiving weekend has continued into this week, with temperatures reaching 61 degrees by noon on Monday, according to The Weather Channel Web site.

“We’ve had a jet stream come from Arizona and New Mexico northward into our area that has brought some of the unseasonably warm temperatures,” said Gilbert Sebenste, staff meteorologist.

However, a huge change in temperature is expected to occur between Wednesday and Thursday. Temperatures will drop about 30 degrees Wednesday night, Sebenste said.”I do find it unseasonably warm this season, but meteorologists and climatologists are predicting a mild winter,” said Amanda Koenig, a junior meteorology major.

The temperature fluctuations can be explained by storm systems. Air from the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico is being brought northward into our area, but unseasonably cold air from across Canada is fighting to get into our area as well. Because the Gulf is unusually warm and Canada and northern areas are unusually cold, the next month is likely to bring wild temperature swings, Sebenste said.

Students are finding it difficult to prepare for the changes in weather.

“I used to think November and dress for cold, but now you can’t think of it that way anymore,” said Nick Hopkins, a senior math education major.

With computer models suggesting that Friday could bring the first shovel-able snow of the season, at least one DeKalb resident is rushing out to prepare for the cold.

“I’m on my way to go buy a winter coat, hat, gloves, scarf and some thermals,” said Ronald Carroll, a DeKalb resident.

Stephanie Kohl is a Campus Reporter for Northern Star.