Forum serves NIU Latinos

By Stephanie Kohl

DeKALB | The Latino Resource Center will host a student forum at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Latino Resource Center, 515 Garden Road.

This forum offers an opportunity for students to learn about the LRC and present ideas to its staff.

“I want to establish a rapport with students and make them feel comfortable coming to the LRC with questions, comments and concerns,” said Susana Das Neves, assistant director.

Because the LRC is about student-centered involvement, Das Neves wants feedback from students the center serves. The forum will be an informal conversation between students and Das Neves about their satisfaction with LRC programming and services.

Forums will take place once a month to continue helping Latino students develop leadership and relationships across campus because these skills are needed throughout life, Das Neves said.

The LRC plans to focus on being a connection point for Latino students on campus to know what is going on in the Latino community and on campus.

“Mi casa es su casa,” Das Neves said of the LRC.

Another way students can stay connected is through LOL, or Latinos Online. LOL is a Yahoo! listserv created by the Sigma Lambda Beta fraternity about six years ago.

“The initial goal was fairly simple,” said Jesse Perez, Sigma Lambda Beta alumnus and one of the creators of the program. “We just wanted to unite the Latino community online.”

LOL serves as a way for Latino students to keep in touch and be up to date with what is going on around campus and throughout the community. The listserv allows students and organizations to post information about meetings, events, scholarships and links that may be of interest to other Latino students.

“We want to create an atmosphere of comfort for students,” said J.R. Perez, president of Sigma Lambda Beta.

Perez said he thinks students who are informed of what is going on around campus and within the local Latino community have an easier and better time adjusting to college life and thinks it is a great way to unite Latinos in the community.

To join the LOL listserv, students can log on to and click on the Latinos Online link.

Stephanie Kohl is a diversity beat reporter for the Northern Star.