Yell-Like-Hell to include music, props
October 11, 1993
Cowboy hats and western music will be the code Friday night as the Chick Evans Fieldhouse welcomes the NIU Homecoming tradition of “YELL-LIKE-HELL”.
The competition begins at 8 p.m. and will include all the fraternities and sororities on the Interfraternity council and the Panhellenic council as well as other independent organizations.
There will also be performances by the NIU cheerleaders, the Silverettes, Victor E. Huskie, and, for the children, the purple dinosaur Barney. NIU football captains also will be in attendence.
This year’s competition differs from other years in that music and props are being incorporated into the performances.
“Teams participating are encouraged to use western music and garb in their routines,” Mark Shafer, Homecoming committee adviser said. “Group cheers and stunts will also be important in the routines.”
The “Wild Wild West” theme fits in with NIU’s first Big West Conference Homecoming game. The theme was chosen by this year’s Homecoming committee. The Yell-Like-Hell competition has been running for just under a decade.
“In the past we simply had the cheerleaders perform and then the student organizations,” Shafer said. “This year it will be more than just vocals; the music will play a part as well.”
By adding this new dimension those participating see room for more possibilities.
“With the variety of music there will probably be greater competition,” said Corri Pearlman, coach of the Delta Zeta team. “Hopefully this will lead to more creativity and originality.”
The competition is considered by many to be the highlight of the Homecoming festivities. “It really is the biggest event,” Ronna Gough, Delta Zeta team member said. “It’s exciting and a lot of fun.”
It can also be very nerve racking according to Gough, who performed last year. “You get really nervous, especially if you haven’t performed before such a large audience before,” she said.
Approximately 3,000 people are expected to attend the competition.
According to Jennifer Hutchins, campus activities board Homecoming coordinator, there also will be a number of children in attendance. “Area school children are invited to be a part of the Junior Huskies group,” Hutchins said.
“It’s also a children’s show. There won’t be anything vulgar,” Shafer said. “We are hoping that a lot of the parents will also come out to the competition.”