Raise in donations appreciated
October 9, 2006
In president Peters’ annual State of the University address Thursday, Peters said NIU has “raised more private money in the past six years than in its entire previous 107-year history.”
This increase in donations may be thanks to Peters’ efforts to reach out to alumni, supporters and visitors to the university. Because of these private donations, NIU has been able to develop more facilities for students, faculty and visitors such as the Athletic and Academic Performance Center, Northern View Community and Barsema Alumni and Visitor’s Center.
These facilities not only accentuate many of the resources NIU already has, they also help draw in prospective students and faculty. Bringing more people to NIU will help increase campus diversity and make NIU an even more desirable choice for secondary education.
Since the state has not provided any capital funding for building projects over the last four years, we look forward to increased assistance to help maintain NIU’s buildings. Donations for the planning and development of new buildings have helped keep our campus competent and inviting, but we hope donors also recognize the need for assistance in areas of campus that are in dire need of repair, such as the Stevens Building.
We applaud and thank the private donors who have made some of the new buildings on campus possible, and hope these donors, along with new donors, will continue to contribute to NIU and help continue to raise its standards.