LGBT community welcomed at NIU

By Stephanie Kohl

DeKALB |University recognized as one of 100 best schools for LGBT students The Presidential Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity will host its annual fall reception Tuesday. The event, “Creating Community: Dessert Reception,” will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Holmes Student Center’s Gallery Lounge. It will recognize NIU’s recognition as one of the 100 best campuses for LGBT students as featured in the Advocate College Guide for LGBT Students.

“Being selected sends a positive message to prospective students that we are a welcoming campus and the university is aware of unique concerns and takes steps toward making this a warm and welcoming environment,” said Margie Cook, director of the LGBT Resource Center.

NIU is one of approximately 100 universities across the country that has an LGBT Resource Center, Cook said.

The reception is catered by the HSC and will include a dessert and coffee bar with biscotti and flavored teas. The event is open to the public and LGBT students are encouraged to bring friends and allies with them.

Brian Hemphill, vice president of Student Affairs, will speak at the event. Remarks will begin at 12:45 p.m. Many other campus administrators, the staff of the LGBT Resource Center and members of the Presidential Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity will also be present.

The event is a time for members of the LGBT community and its allies to socialize and network. Since the event falls on Halloween, guests are welcome to show off their costumes, though costumes are not required.