Bar One bus gives rides to curb drunk driving
September 7, 2006
DeKALB | Can’t find a designated driver to and from Bar One? Look no further than the bar itself.
Patrons unsure of their limit can be directly connected to a driver who will then arrange a pickup time and location.
By taking the “bar bus, worry of receiving a DUI is eliminated, thus helping to keep the streets of DeKalb safer.
Those who would just as soon walk will much appreciate the ride. Among those students is Melissa Werner, senior elementary education major.
“If opportunity would arise, I would take the ride home, especially in the winter,” Werner said.
Aside from taking the bus in place of walking to Bar One, Werner finds the bus a great tool to keep DeKalb’s roads clear of drunk drivers.
“I think it’s important to have an alternate choice so [people] think twice before getting in their car,” Werner said.
Bar One’s round-trip busing system to transport bar-goers is free of charge.
Bar One manager Shane Adams said the bus service is a new opportunity for both the customers and the establishment itself.
“[The bar bus] encourages people to go out instead of sit home and drink,” Adams said.
Carrie Tack, a senior FCNS student and Bar One employee, took the bus once the first weekend and said it wasn’t crowded. However, she advises others to call for a driver before the 10 p.m. peak time.
If patrons drive to the bar and find themselves unable to drive when it comes time to leave, Adams said cars left overnight will be safe. Bar One owns surrounding parking lots that do not tow cars, thus pushing customers to take the bus home instead of taking risks behind the wheel.
“We would much rather have the car here,” she said.