Say What?!

After the success of Tuesday’s “International Talk Like A Pirate Day,” take a look at some other proposed vocally-unique holidays.

“Talk Like A Ninja Day”

When: May 1

How: Ninjas are silent. This means no talking for 24 hours. And talking like a Ninja Turtle is not a loophole. In fact, talking like that should be banned forever, not just on this day.

“Act like you know a foreign language day”

When: Jan. 19

How: Pretend you speak a language that you don’t. Spend the day pretending to speak the language, and only the language. Watch the hilarity a person pretending to know Japanese tries to give directions to a person pretending to only speak Hungarian.

“Talk Like A pompous coffeehouse kid day”

When: Aug. 23

How: Show no emotion whatsoever, and never let anything impress you. Additionally, always be ready to casually one-up the person next to you. “Oh, you saw Devendra Banhart last year? He asked me for change in an alley once.” “Oh, you worked in London all summer, I went to space.”

“Talk Like The Construction worker day”

When: Oct. 14

How: This isn’t a day to perpetuate stereotypes about laborers. Instead, it is a day to speak like the hard-hatted member of the Village People. All your sentences should be to the tune of “Y.M.C.A,” “In The Navy” or others in the band’s catalogue. Dance moves and the costume are optional.