Class organizes rally to raise money for research, new laws

By Stephanie Kohl

Professor Jack King’s SOCI 392 class organized a rally for the ONE organization in the King Memorial Commons Wednesday afternoon as part of their final.

With the slogan of ONE being, “We’re not asking for your money. We’re asking for your voice,” the objective was to collect as many signatures as possible, which can then be sent to legislature to help pass laws and provide money and resources for those living in poverty, as well as to provide money for AIDS research, said Alyssia Spicer, a junior sociology major.

The class was able to get 702 signatures for their campaign.

“ONE is a new effort by Americans to rally Americans — ONE by ONE — to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty,” according to a flyer handed out at the rally.

Members of the class were spread throughout the MLK Commons passing out flyers and not letting anyone pass without requesting their signature for the petition. Students were able to ask and get answers to their questions about the organization.

“I signed because it’s for a good cause and they’re helping out people in need,” said Steve Pioppo, a senior communication major.

The focus of the class is organizing for social action. ONE was chosen for the rally by the entire class. They previously had a speaker come into the class and decided that it was the right organization to do this for, King said.

Every student in the class was required to participate, whether through making signs, collecting signatures or observing the entire process to provide later feedback, King said.

At the class’s table set up in the commons, they passed out popsicles, cookies and ONE bracelets to anyone who signed the petition. The Health Enhancement Services table made available information about AIDS and provided condoms to promote safe sex.

“The most important thing is to get people to sign the declaration,” said Carrie Hallum, a junior sociology major.