Columnist responds to criticism
May 7, 2006
After receiving extensive criticism of my column, “Ask Questions, Demand Answers,â€? I felt a need to clarify some points and reinforce the legitimacy of some questions.
One critic directed me to the site, claiming it would explain my questions concerning the pentagon attack. Well, it actually raised more questions.
If the Boeing 757 obliterated upon impact when it struck the Pentagon’s outer 24-inch thick concrete wall, how could it have penetrated two more rings of the building? The site shows photography, from the Pentagon’s security camera, of the explosion. While looking at the film closely, the object that strikes the Pentagon is questionable. Moreover, why would all of the other camera footage of the attack be confiscated by the FBI? If the government wanted to dispel criticism over the legitimacy of the official report, the government should release the film footage from the nearby hotel, gas station and Virginia Department of Transportation cameras.
As for the World Trade Center towers collapsing because of weakened steel caused by fire, this notion is unlikely. In 2005, the 32-floor Windsor building in Madrid burned for almost an entire day. The outside of the top ten floors collapsed, but the rest of the structure remained standing. The World Trade Center burned for a little over an hour and both buildings collapsed in their entirety. Furthermore, eyewitnesses claimed they heard secondary explosions within the building.
The film “Loose Change Second Editionâ€? presents a lot of evidence refuting the official story of 9/11, but the film itself must be questioned. I cannot say I know what happened.
I don’t believe one story over any other. But there are a lot of legitimate questions that need to be asked.