Last chance to see quartet

By Stephanie Kohl

The Grammy-nominated Vermeer Quartet will perform its last show of the academic year in the concert hall of the Music Building today at 8 p.m.

The quartet is part of the resident artist faculty at NIU and will perform quartets from Beethoven, Britten and Schumann. On Tuesday, they will head to a recording studio in Chicago to record the Britten Quartet for the next album.

Members of the quartet include Shmuel Ashkenasi, first violinist; Mathias Tacke, second violinist; Richard Young, violist; and Marc Johnson, cellist. Formed in 1969, the Quartet has since traveled and performed in Europe, Asia, South America and Australia.

Five more DeKalb concerts — including tonight — will occur before the men retire in 2007.

The quartet has had three Grammy nominations in the past. Though none have resulted in a win, the Quartet is very proud of its nominations because they have all been for projects the members worked really hard on, Young said.

“It’s very nice to be recognized, but on a day to day basis it doesn’t really affect us at all,” Young said.