SA town hall meeting draws apathy, not students
April 4, 2006
Fresh off the spring elections, representatives from the Student Association met in the Stevenson Towers Multipurpose Room for a town hall meeting to discuss things the student body wants to see changed.
Like the elections though, student apathy was the only thing present.
The meeting was open to students, but Cris Crane, a junior political science major and president of Stevenson South, was the only non-SA member in attendance.
“We need to get rid of the apathy, whether in the SA or the student body,” said Lee Blank, a senator from district three.
In regards to the recent elections, senators agreed students need to understand what they are voting for.
“Don’t complain if you’re not involved,” said Missy Lugo, a senator from district two.
The SA members discussed ways to get the students involved in the SA by relating their experiences of joining the SA.
“My last school wasn’t well represented,” said Jason Barsema, a senator at large. “Dr. [John] Peters recommended I look at the SA.”
Senator Blank told the story of how he ran for senate wearing a gorilla costume.
They also discussed the resolution to recommend consistent vegan options in the dining hall, a topic which was debated in the senate meeting Sunday.
“Because [vegans] are on campus just like everyone else, they deserve to be represented,” Lugo said. “A lot of their meal plan goes to waste.”
Other senators added the overall food in the residence halls should be addressed rather than just the vegan options.
Barsema said he asked students what they wanted from the SA before he was appointed. Some students said they wanted more bars on campus.
“They wanted a bar in the [Holmes] Student Center,” Barsema said. “If it’s legal, it would be a great revenue source.”
If legal, a bar in the student center would reduce the amount of under-aged drinking because it would require two forms of ID as well as reduce drunken driving because of its proximity to the residence halls, Barsema said.