Greek Physique competition to benefit leukemia, lymphoma

By Stephanie Kohl

Amateur bodybuilders will strut their stuff tonight in the Carl Sandburg Auditorium of the Holmes Student Center.

Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity will host its 16th annual Greek Physique competition at 7 p.m.

The 14 men and four women, 18 through 25, will compete for first, second and third place medals in front of an expected crowd of about 900 people.

“We host this event to show we do good for the community and we are involved and also to help people in need,” said Ryan Cruikshank, vice president of community service and philanthropy for Phi Kappa Sigma.

The fraternity hopes to raise $3,000 to donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Cruikshank said.

Competitors will compete both within their own sex and within their weight class, with medals awarded in each category.

Preparation for the event included months of physical training for contestants, who also observed proper nutrition and drank plenty of water. All of this helped make their muscles more defined, Cruikshank said.

Tickets can be purchased at the door for $10 for the front half of the auditorium and $5 for the back half.