Accountancy majors offer tax prep assistance

By Scott Adler

The Accountancy Leadership Advisory Council is sponsoring volunteer income tax assistance for free at Founder’s Memorial Library in the student lounge.

ALAC is a student leaders advisory board for the accountancy department.

“ALAC is on the leading edge of this volunteer project,” said D. Zorea, a graduate student accountancy major. Zorea said last year they brought in more than 200 students, and they are “on track to shattering that record this year.”

Brenda Johnson, a senior accountancy major, is a volunteer this year in the program.

“The volunteers are students with a major or minor in accountancy who have completed and passed a certification test from a IRS certified site,” Johnson said. Volunteers also are required to put in a minimum of two hours per week.

Han Song, a sophomore accountancy major, had just finished getting her taxes completed. She was excited about the convenience of the location and the short time it took, about 15 minutes from start to finish.

Volunteer tax assistance is open to all students and majors, with only a few exceptions.

International or military tax forms cannot be completed because the staff are not certified for these types of taxes, but students can be directed to the DeKalb and Sycamore City Web sites where they can receive more information.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance tries to assist anyone. It does federal and state returns, and even those who have non-Illinois state returns.

The second session starts today and runs through April 14 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from noon to 4 p.m.