Traffic troubles hit Lucinda, VCB entrance

By Stephanie Kohl

Turning left going any direction on Lucinda Avenue any time of day can be a source of colossal headaches for students, especially at the beginning of the semester.

The intersection including the DuSable turnaround and the Village Commons Bookstore is difficult to traverse because the dropping off and picking up of students coming and going from class.

“I get off of work around noon and usually have to wait a few minutes before I am able to turn out of the bookstore,” said Laci Cox, a junior special education major and VCB employee. She thinks the noon rush is especially troublesome in the area and a traffic light might ease some of the hassle.

The beginning of semester rush may be to blame for some of the traffic. Students need to get in and out of the bookstore to buy their books, causing more traffic in the area.

“After about the first two weeks of classes are over, things tend to settle down,” said Laura Lundelius, coordinator of Campus Parking Services. “The weather could be a factor. More people want to drive rather than walk or take the bus, so we probably have more dropping off and picking up going on at this time.”

Another factor contributing to traffic flow on campus is students ignoring walk signals and crossing the streets wherever and whenever convenient.

Jaywalking was a much-discussed topic last fall, as officers began issuing tickets to students who ignored basic pedestrian rules.

Lieutenant Matt Kiederlen of the University Police estimated a couple hundred jaywalking tickets were issued at the time.

While the University Police have backed off on writing jaywalking tickets, it is still a viable option.

“It is in a student’s best interest to avoid jaywalking,” Kiederlen said. “Not only does it disrupt the traffic flow, but it puts the student in danger. It only takes one driver who is not paying attention for a student to get hit.”