Parking permits on sale Monday

By Stephanie Kohl

Students may begin purchasing parking permits for the 2006 spring semester Monday.

While there is no limit on the number of yellow or brown permits sold, there is a limit on the number of orange permits available to those living in the residence halls.

For the spring semester, 102 orange permits will become available, said Laura Lundelius, coordinator of parking and traffic.

In addition, only five reserved spaces in Lot P, behind Stevenson Towers, will be available for the semester.

“All of the other reserved areas for students have waiting lists and we will go through the waiting lists and offer available spaces to those students who are on the waiting list before releasing any additional spaces,” Lundelius said.

Yellow and orange parking permits can be purchased for $47 for the spring and summer or $42 for spring only. Brown and green permits cost $21 for the spring and summer semesters. A spring-only pass is not available. Motorcyclists looking to park on campus can purchase a permit for $10 for the spring semester.

To better accommodate students, Campus Parking Services, located at the corner of Lincoln Terrace and Normal Road, will have extended hours Jan. 17 through Jan. 26. Hours of operation will be Monday through Thursday from 7:45 a.m. to 6 p.m. and 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday.

Unlike the beginning of fall semester, there is no grace period for displaying permits. Students must have their permits as soon as they wish to park in campus lots.

In addition, as of Jan. 1, 2006, the disability parking fine will increase from $100 to $250 in accordance with changes from the State of Illinois, Lundelius said.

According to a press release issued by the Secretary of State’s office, “those caught improperly parking in a disability parking space could face a fine up to $500 and a driver’s license suspension.”