Fraternity puts on annual charity party

By Tom Bukowski

Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity will host its fourth annual Hope Haven Christmas Party in the formal room of their fraternity house from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday.

Phi Sigma Kappa will donate toys, board games and other assorted gifts to children based on their age and gender. The toys are purchased from Wal-Mart, said Mike Carew, a junior management major and Phi Sigma Kappa philanthropy co-chair.

The fraternity is expecting to see about 21 children from the Hope Haven homeless shelter attend, with almost all of the fraternity’s 70 members participating.

Phi Sigma Kappa will provide pizza, chips, soda and Christmas music, as well as a special visit from Santa Claus, Carewsaid.

The Santa Claus performance will be delegated to a Phi Sigma Kappa member who “fits the part,” said Bill Boylan, a junior political science major and Phi Sigma Kappa philanthropy co-chair.

Phi Sigma Kappa has coordinated charity events with Hope Haven for about eight years, Boylan said. But when the fraternity hosted a Christmas party for homeless shelter children three years ago, they decided to make it their official annual event.

Lesly Wicks, Hope Haven’s executive director, said she appreciates the support the DeKalb County-based homeless shelter receives from NIU students. The shelter houses children six months or older.

“The Christmas party makes the kids feel special,” Wicks said. “Also, we want the kids to have as normalized of an experience as we can give them.”

“It’s a brotherhood event. It puts everyone in a really good mood,” Boylan said.

As per Phi Sigma Kappa tradition, gifts are exchanged with Phi Sigma Kappa members after the Christmas party, a tradition that always takes place the last Saturday before finals, Carew said.

When the children leave, some are reluctant, but most of them are tuckered out, Boylan said.