Student filmmakers compete with iMovie creations

By Richard Pulfer

Apple Computer’s iMovie program allows users access to have an entire movie studio right at their fingertips.

The iMovie Film Festival will give several students the opportunity to screen their computer-edited films before the general public. The films will be judged by several NIU professors and staff members.

Students began production for individual projects as early as September. Students’ majors vary, but all participants are joined by a common interest in film. The tasks of filmmaking have expanded students’ awareness of the many duties involved in production.

Jazz studies major Thomas Nolle was comfortable putting his film to music.

“I studied the structure of songs a lot. I originally wanted to be a composition major,” Nolle said. “When I needed a song to fit a scene, it came really easy to me.”

Adam Perly’s short film, “At The Stillpoint,” boasts a cast of DeKalb theater veterans, among them recent “Boston Legal” cast addition Justin Mentell. Perly, an English major, still found the process of filmmaking a challenging one.

“I found how difficult it was to edit a film and to produce solid sound,” Perly said.

Inspired by Hitchcock, senior communication major Jay Patrick Mohan is most interested in what happens after the camera stops rolling.

“I like post-production,” said Mohan, whose work is entitled “Love and Life.” “I think that’s where the real art is.”

The seven projects will be screened at 6:30 p.m. Monday in the Carl Sandburg Auditorium. The grand prize winner will receive a 20-gigabyte iPod, while the second-prize winner will receive $30 in iTunes music and the third-prize winner $15 in iTunes music.