Students riot around town

By Marc Marin and Jessica King

The chilly October air did not stop hundreds of jubilant White Sox fans from spilling into the streets of campus and DeKalb Wednesday night into early morning today.

“It’s just been crazy,” said sophomore time arts major J.J. Hannah. “I’ve never seen the campus come together like this.”

When the Northern Star caught up with one group, it was moving through King Memorial Commons and gathering more people as it moved. Some people carried brooms. Some wore pajamas or shorts.

The crowd reached Russell Road and headed toward Greek Row. It stopped at the Delta Zeta sorority house and became a little agitated, with one male crowd member tearing down a street sign.

He then ran in front of a police car, fell down, picked himself up, and ran into the increasing rowdy crowd.

The growing crowd then moved south on Annie Glidden Road, crossing the Grant parking lot and passing by Douglas Hall. People hollered from windows and doorways, mostly cheering the crowd.

Huskie Stadium was the crowd’s next destination as some people started violently shaking the fences of the stadium. A police car drove in and turned on its lights. The people ran quickly away from the scene as to avoid possible arrest.

One DeKalb police officer, who wished to remain anonymous, didn’t seem too concerned with the crowd’s actions.

“The majority’s being good,” the officer said. “It could be worse.”

The crowd then found itself at the MLK Commons once again, where one male was seen crowd surfing. One crowd-goer incessantly blew an air horn to add to the commotion, and someone else carried a drum.

Multiple fireworks could be heard going off as the crowd ran through the Lagoon area and headed west on . The celebrators must have been hungry because they went through the McDonald’s drive thru and banged on the cars waiting in line.

Traffic on Lincoln Highway was stopped in both directions as the crowd swelled to more than 100 people and continued west on Lincoln Highway, filling all four lanes of traffic. One crowd member who couldn’t seem to stop yelling was admonished by his friend, who said “Control yourself, man!”

“Control myself?” the yeller responded. “The White Sox just won the [freaking] World Series!”

As the crowd moved along Lincoln Highway, at least five police cars followed it. Cars from the DeKalb Police Department, University Police and the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office were all spotted.

The crowd jumped and cheered its way to the intersection of Annie Glidden and Lincoln Highway, where the members rushed the middle of the intersection and formed one giant mob.

“For the most part everyone’s being peaceful,” said one NIU student who did not wish to be identified. “I don’t think anyone’s trying to hurt anyone. This only happens so often; you gotta enjoy it.”

The crowd thinned after reaching the intersection of Annie Glidden Road and Lucinda Avenue, but first it chanted “Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, hey hey hey, goodbye” and ripped down a street sign by Stadium Drive.

Also, multiple bottles were thrown to the ground and shattered.

One crowd member had designs on taking down an NIU Visitor’s Parking sign but his buddy alerted him to the police officers lurking in the distance. He didn’t tear the sign down.