End is near for Campos

By Colin Decair

NIU senior Kristina Campos’ career has been filled with many achievements, including four consecutive trips to the NCAA regionals. But there is one goal that has eluded her.

“Ever since I came to NIU, I’ve had the goal of making nationals,” Campos said. “I’ve worked for that goal every year, and hopefully it will pay off this year.”

Saturday marks the opening of the South Central NCAA regional in Lincoln, Neb., as well as potentially Campos’ final collegiate meet.

The possibility of making the national tournament is Campos’ only chance to extend her stay as a Huskie.

“Making my fourth appearance means a lot to me,” Campos said. “It ranks very high on the list of my accomplishments.”

She will be joined by junior Ashlee Williams in the competition. Williams will be competing as a specialist in the uneven bars.

Campos said she will be satisfied with the outcome, regardless of the results.

“Kristina [Campos] has always come out and given her all no matter what the situation is,” NIU coach Mark Sontag said. “It’s helped show that our program is on the rise and we’re not just a once-in-awhile fluke.”

Her teammates have also seen Campos’ road nearing an end.

“It’s something you try not to think about,” Williams said. “She’s been a great teammate and a great friend – one of those people you don’t like to see go.”

With Campos’ future still unclear, only one thing is for certain.

“I want to be remembered for the type of competitor I was,” Campos said. “I want to be known as the type of person who always came out at 110 percent all the time.”