Women’s bball recruit will keepcommitment

By Colin Decair

NIU woman’s basketball recruit Kacia Gillette ended her Rockton Hononegah High School career Feb. 28 in a super sectional match at the Convocation Center. The 6-foot-1 forward said she is staying committed to NIU, but will play under a new coach as Carol Hammerle resigned Tuesday after seven seasons in DeKalb.

The Northern Star recently caught up with Gillette to discuss her future as a Huskie.

NS: What made you decide to commit to NIU?

KG: Basically it comes down to it being close to home. I love the fact it’s not too far and I really liked the business school. All the girls were great too. I felt right at home with them.

NS: It’s good to see you’re already getting along with your future teammates, but what made you want to play basketball here?

KG: I loved the program and the coaches really sold me on NIU. Of course that really doesn’t matter anymore.

NS: So, you heard about Coach Hammerle resigning. How does that make you feel?

KG: Carol [Hammerle] was a big reason I decided to be a Huskie. It was a big disappointment for me. I spent so much time with Carol and Rhonda [Dart, assistant coach] and really formed a bond with those two. It’s sad I’m not going to get a chance to play for them.

NS: What did she say when you talked with her?

KG: She called me on Tuesday night after she decided to resign and told me she was doing what she felt was best for the team. She said we needed some fresh blood for our coach to get us where we want to be. She also told me not to worry, [NIU athletics director] Jim Phillips would get us a great coach to help take us to the next level and that she thinks I’ll have a great four years regardless of who’s coaching us.

NS: What was going through your head when you saw she was calling?

KG: I saw Carol was calling me and thought she was just checking in on me. I answered and she told me the real reason why she was calling and it caught me off guard.

NS: Nowadays whenever a coach leaves, you see their recruits follow. Is this something that might happen with you?

KG: It’s not going to affect me at all. I’m happy to be at NIU and playing basketball with these girls here. I also have faith the athletic director will get a great new coach in there.