Campos and Williams try for more

By Colin Decair

It’s minutes before a match, and the majority of the NIU gymnastics team is huddled up, ready to compete.

Off in a corner are NIU’s Kristina Campos and Ashlee Williams sitting, staring at the ground, closing out the rest of the world. They routinely sit there focusing on the task in front of them and nothing else.

This is how every meet this season began, and tonight’s MAC championships, hosted by NIU at the Convocation Center, will be no different.

“Both of the girls have a large internal drive,” NIU coach Mark Sontag said. “They stay intense from the time they step in the gym until the time they leave.”

This duo has brought NIU gymnastics to a new level in the last four years, but their relationship goes much further.

“We grew up together and went to the same gym since we were little kids,” Williams said. “I didn’t really like Kristina back then. I guess it’s just cause she was kind of a brat. We were able to get passed that.”

After seeing their joking antics off the mat, the pair would never seem as serious as they actually are when in action. Their intensity carries through all facets of their life.

“Ashlee holds a very high standard for herself in everything she does, especially academics,” NIU senior captain Keri Saint said. “Kristina is unbelievably competitive in everything she does. It doesn’t matter what the sport is — she refuses to lose. I know for a fact after barely making it out of a soccer game against her.”

“She’s one of those people that your glad your facing in a non contact sport,” Saint said. “She has no mercy at all.”

It’s this devotion to her athletic career that has seen Campos compete in the NCAA regional tournament each of her first three years at NIU. She has also won the individual all around title in six of NIU’s 12 meets this year. Yet, she still isn’t satisfied.

“The great thing about gymnastics is that there’s always room to get better,” Campos said. “I want to go out every time and score at least 39.000 (out of 40.000) every time and make the NCAA national tournament by the time I’m done.”

When Campos is having an off meet, Williams will be right there to pick up the slack.

“I want to qualify for the NCAA regionals again this year,” Williams said. “Maybe I can win the MAC gymnast of the year by the time I graduate.”

Williams qualified for the NCAA regional last year and has won two all-around titles this year.

This year, she’s been bothered by an ankle injury which kept her from the all-around competition for half the season, but still came away with two victories.

“You can’t overlook the talent, mechanics and the unbelievable work ethic these two have,” Sontag said. “They raise the bar all around. Both of them keep a personal standard to not only satisfy the team and the coaches, but more importantly to satisfy themselves.”

The correlation between their intensity during a meet and during practice is seen by NIU’s other gymnasts, too, Saint said.

“Working out with them every day helps show you how to do things right,” NIU freshmen Amanda Johnson said. “Their success helps the rest of us realize we need to step up and try to match their effort.”