Hear The Mars Volta at Otto’s

By Derek Wright

Five days before the scheduled March 1 release of “Frances The Mute,” The Mars Volta will hit Otto’s Niteclub, 118 E. Lincoln Highway.

Sort of.

In conjunction with Weekender and Universal Records, the venue will host a premiere party for the band’s second full-length LP.

The event will begin at 10 p.m. in the Underground with a concluding time yet to be determined.

Otto’s will play “Frances The Mute” in its entirety as well as several Mars Volta videos.

In addition to providing the music for the evening, Universal Records will give away Mars Volta posters and raffle off a copy of 2003’s “De-Loused In The Comatorium.”

“This will be a huge treat for fans of The Mars Volta, because not only will they be the first on their campus to hear the new record, but they’ll also see the video for ‘The Widow,’ which is quite interesting,” said Scott Kawa, Universal Records college and lifestyle marketing representative.

The group’s sophomore album comes nearly two years after the critically acclaimed debut and almost four years since At The Drive-In split to form Sparta and The Mars Volta.