NIU gymnastics finish first

By Colin Decair

Saturday’s first-place showing for the NIU gymnastics team at the Illinois State University triangular marked the first time a Huskie was the top finisher in every event since Jan. 23 against Eastern Michigan.

NIU (4-5) posted a team score of 190.825, beating ISU by 3.300 points and Wisconsin Whitewater by 12.000 points.

“The whole team did a great job of staying together and finishing the meet at ISU,” NIU coach Mark Sontag said. “We had a very strong all-around meet.”

Sophomore Amy Ristvedt led the Huskies effort, placing first in the vault with a score of 9.650.

“Amy really stepped up for us in three events after having a rough week at New Hampshire,” Sontag said.

The uneven bars was won by senior Katie Willet with a score of 9.650. The final two rotations were won by senior Kristina Campos placing a score 9.725 on the balance beam and a 9.750 on the floor exercise.

“The extra training and changing of routines is finally starting to pay off on the balance beam,” Sontag said. “We’re going to keep training the way we have been this last week and hopefully we can build on it some more.”

NIU junior Ashlee Williams’ right ankle has not fully recovered from a sprain she suffered against EMU. She competed in all the events except the vault, but is expected to be back at full strength Sunday against Kent State.

“We finally got Ashlee back in the floor exercise and will have her practicing for the vault this week,” Sontag said. “We’ll just have to wait and see how she is.”