Gymnastics suffers first loss

By Colin Decair

Sunday’s meet was the NIU gymnastics team’s second week in a row against a school from Michigan that wears green and white. The result, however, was not the same.

NIU suffered its first loss on the season, 193.20-191.6 to No. 15 Michigan State.

“For our first match on the road we did pretty well,” NIU coach Mark Sontag said. “MSU is a really good team, and we stuck with them.”

Despite the loss, senior Kristina Campos came away with her second straight all around title for NIU (2-1). Sunday’s meet raised her season total to two all-around titles and one second place finish behind junior Ashlee Williams.

For the first time this season, the Huskies did not win an event. NIU took second in both the uneven bars and the balance beam. Williams put up the best Huskie showing on the bars, with Campos taking second on the beam.

Sophomore Amy Ristvedt placed third on the vault as sophomore Kelly Kramer rounded out the top Huskie performers, placing sixth on the floor exercise.

“Anytime you have a score of 9.7 and still finish sixth, they had a great floor exercise,” Sontag said.

NIU will meet Michigan State again on Feb. 12 in New Hampshire at the Fox Run Classic.

“It all comes down to who hits the best,” Sontag said. “But anything can happen when we meet them again.”