Welcome to four more years of hell

By Willie Mickell

As I drove down Lincoln Highway headed to work, I almost drove off the street and hit a tree when I heard on my car radio the dreadful news so many Americans feared. No, not another terrorist attack. Worse.

The little guy with the tight blue suit and an IQ of 3.7 was re-elected president of the “Divided States,” which, according to history, some refer to as the “United States.”

Four more years flashed before my eyes. The images of more soldiers dying, babies crying and being sick because of inadequate health care, more tax cuts for the rich and minorities frustrated because jobs moving overseas became too painful to visualize.

The one thing we all must remember and give credit to is the fact that the little guy, known to many of you as George W. Bush, will be consistent as president for a second term. There will be another four years of more fears, uncertainties and lots of bloodshed and tears.

The Bush administration deserves an “A+” for the manipulating it has done in the past four years to Americans. Not finding weapons of mass destruction, cutting millions of dollars from education, not coming up with a solution to provide adequate health care for all Americans, continuing to give the order for soldiers to kill families and others in another country so we are safe at night and are allowed to sleep peacefully and still winning re-election as president of the United States as decided by Americans is very impressive.

Furthermore, some people have argued my thoughts and opinions are not logical. It has become obvious that these individuals skim through my writings and infer what they want to. This thought process is kind of like the little guy, George W. Bush. He skimmed through the findings of reports about the weapons of mass destruction and decided to just go to war. The decision to go to war and fight for oil while sacrificing the blood of fathers, uncles and brothers is not a rational thought.

My writing is my opinion, but it also is the truth. I understand how Christ felt when his enemies nailed his hands and feet to a cross while others spit on him and threw stones at him. But the difference between Christ and myself is that I am not going to ask that individuals who voted for Bush be forgiven for their choice. These individuals knowingly chose a man who will send this country to hell and force all of our kids to receive a horrible education because of a lack of funding.

After viewing the presidential coverage, a few things emerged. Not everyone can be a leader. And there are always more followers.

The key for my survival during the Bush administration is to become a successful businessman, shift my company’s jobs overseas so I can pay lower wages and reap the personal benefits of tax cuts for myself and my family.

The current administration has taught me to take what I want, no matter the headache or amount of blood shed in the process.

Columns reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the Northern Star staff.