Kerry keeps interests of all in mind

When voters flock to the polls Tuesday, they hopefully will reverse what can be looked at as a nightmare that has lasted for more than four years.

When President George W. Bush first took office, he definitely was met with many challenges. However, Sen. John Kerry has proven that not only will he make better choices than Bush, but that he’ll be a people’s president and not one that has only the interest of the rich in mind.

When America began its war on terrorism, it wasn’t completely supported by the international community. The past several years have proven that as the United States continues to carry the burden of Iraq and see the loss of many innocent soldiers – a loss not shared by many other countries.

While Bush has supported limited research of stem cells, Kerry believes that providing more funding for stem cell research will lead to the cures of many diseases and illnesses that have been plaguing our nation for decades.

Although Bush claims to have the interest of Americans at heart when it comes to jobs, many still are finding their jobs shipped off to foreign countries, where companies pay next-to-nothing wages and production costs – a process that has left many uneducated Americans without means to survive. Kerry believes that jobs should stay in America – and that betters wages should be paid to Americans and not cheaper workers overseas.

While both candidates clearly have different stances on these issuses and many others – such as abortion, gay rights, and healthcare – Kerry is the obvious pick for president if Americans want to get our country out of the hole that Bush and many others have dug for us. Even if some voters don’t support Kerry, they shouldn’t support a candidate like Bush who only has the interests of some in mind.