School boards are the big monsters

The last day of school before Halloween should fill school hallways with little Spidermen and princesses shouting “trick-or-treat, smell my feet.” Instead, school districts are banning this fun, treat-filled day and sticking to the books, putting a damper on the day altogether.

A Washington state school board banned Halloween parties during the school day, not allowing even costumes because the festivities are a distraction and take away from the learning time.

Even as close as Rockford, schools are cutting Halloween time short, from a two-hour parade to a half-hour party. The cut was at the request of a new curriculum director, who said the time could be spent better on academics, according to the Rockford Register Star.

It’s true these afternoon parties will take some time away from some reading, math or a gym-class soccer game, but eliminating fun activities will only backfire.

Even children get overwhelmed with their daily activities and deserve breaks to relieve their stress. Learning cursive and long division can be frustrating, and activities such as Halloween parties offer just enough relief to give kids a fresh start for the next week.

Believe it or not, it is fully possible for children to learn their multiplication tables with painted faces. So let the kids score their goals with their green Hulk masks, and instead of reading “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” pick a Halloween book for the day. After all, the holiday is only once a year.

The Washington school district also said banning Halloween was a move to avoid offending Wiccans. This excuse comes despite the fact that Lisa Lawrence, a local Wiccan high priestess, told The Associated Press she thought taking Halloween away was ridiculous.

Halloween is a playful holiday for children, and school administrators should not use people of different beliefs as an excuse to cancel a couple hours of fun. What’s next, cancelling Christmas so we don’t offend those who raise reindeer?

School administrators need to put their silly excuses aside and join the fun. They could use this opportunity to show their true colors and wear their Scrooge costumes.