Flip-flopper gives voter reason to vote for Kerry

I’ve forgotten how much I look forward to Nick Arhos’ column every week, even if it only serves to remind me why I’m voting for John Kerry in November.

Am I the only person who is tired of the conservative machine that has constantly labeled Kerry as a “flip-flopper”? It almost seems as if everyone has forgotten that President Bush was opposed to the Department of Homeland Security before he was for it. The same can be said regarding his position on the 9/11 Commission. Maybe the pot’s supporters should take a good, long look at the hue of their own candidate before they attack that of the kettle.

As for this constant referral to Bush as “strong” and “steady,” I think Kerry said it best during last Thursday’s debate when he stated, “It’s one thing to be certain, but you can be certain and be wrong.”

The past is filled with men and women who were, in Bush’s own words, “strong and resolute” in their beliefs and actions, but some of these men and women were also stubbornly and severely wrong. I think the American people are ready for a leader who can recognize his limits, learn from his mistakes and hold himself accountable for his own decisions. This is why I think America will elect John Kerry.

Mario Olalde

Senior, history education