Broadcaster should air both sides

By Willie Mickell

Imagine sitting in a meeting at work when the secretary comes and informs you that terrorists have bombed the school your child attends or the workplace of your significant other. Would you wait until the meeting was over to find out more about these details? Well, if you have a moment, please rent or purchase the movie “Fahrenheit 9/11.” This movie will show you how the president of the United States – “your leader” – reacted when informed that America had been attacked by terrorists. This is the finest documentary ever directed and produced since the implantation of stories written in the Holy Bible.

While it is obvious in the documentary that Michael Moore is not a supporter of George W. Bush’s ideologies, there are some questions that the president of the United States needs to answer. For instance, why did the Bush administration have relationships with bin Laden’s family? Why did Taliban leaders visit Bush when he was the governor of Texas?

This documentary proved something that I knew along time ago – President Bush has the IQ of a 1-year-old frog. It is not his proactive stance that makes him suitable to lead the American people. It is the reactive response, manipulation and strategic planning and organizing of his staff that enables him to continue to be popular among some Americans.

Many people believe that “Fahrenheit 9/11” is not important, or that Michael Moore went too far with the documentary. I believe Bush went too far to promise that the military would find weapons of mass destruction.

While the documentary might be partisan when being viewed from a conservative perspective, the fact remains that questions and issues are raised that have gone unanswered for almost four years.

In addition, it is appalling and inexcusable that the Sinclair Broadcast Group, the owner of the largest group of television stations in the nation, is planning to show a documentary on 62 of its stations that accuses Sen. John Kerry of betraying American prisoners during the Vietnam War. If this documentary is shown, the “Fahrenheit 9/11” documentary should be shown to the American people as well.

What should happen is that the viewing of “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal” (the documentary about Kerry) should be shown back-to-back. After the showing, the candidates should have to answer questions from the media and the public.

According to CNN, the airing of the documentary by Sinclair stations might influence some of the undecided voters in critical swing states such as Ohio, Florida, Iowa and Wisconsin.

Finally, this is the second time that I have agreed with President Bush. He has said he’ll never know what it feels like to lose a son, father, brother or uncle in a war. This is true. As president, he decides how many sons, fathers, brothers or uncles are killed under his direct command. However, at Thanksgiving, his family will be at the dinner table.

Before you vote, please view “Fahrenheit 9/11” and then make a decision regarding the best candidate to lead the country for the next four years: John Kerry.

Columns reflect the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the Northern Star staff.